
Thatch Roof Maintenance
Thatch roof maintenance and thatched roof repairs
Thatch roof maintenance questions
Most frequent questions and answers
Valley sections bear the brunt of the water drainage for thatch roofs and experience a large amount of water flowing down them when it rains. They take longer to dry out than other sections of roof because of their angle and thickness and they therefore rot more quickly allowing leaks to form. Thatch roofs with a low pitch (less than 45 degrees) are also more prone to water leaks.
Expect to pay more for your buildings or contents insurance as a thatched roof is a bigger fire risk than a tiled roof.
If your house roof is a thatched roof then the onus lies on the home owner to declare this to your ensurer.
Water reed is thought to last the longest having a lifespan of around 25-40 years, with some lasting up to 60 years. Combed wheat reed is estimated to last anywhere between 25-35 years while long straw may need rethatching after 15-25 years. Thatched roofs need regular maintenance and upkeep to limit deterioration. The longevity of the thatch roof is also weather dependent.
Rats and mice can also be attracted to thatched roofs and can cause problems if they gain access into the loft space. If rats or mice have access to thatch, they can chew the straw and any fixings that may be on the thatched roof. They may also burrow their way out of the roof by forming a hole.
Statistically, homes with thatched roofs are no more likely to catch fire than those with conventional roofs. However, if a thatched roof does ignite, the results are rapid and spectacular, so their owners are well advised to take proactive precautions.
Yes there are. SANS 10407 , 2016 Edition, covers the design of the supporting roofing structure and installation of thatch on roofing structures.
Your lapa has to be included in your building plans. See thatch roof regulations page
Thatch roofs require regular maintenance that includes:
Fire retardant application
- applying a fire retardant barrier on the inside of the thatch
- applying a fire retardant barrier on the outside of the thatch
Thatch roof repairs and maintenance
- Combing thatch grass
- Repairing leaking valleys and ridges
- Keeping roof free from fallen leaves and debris

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