Thatch Roof Renovation
Thatch roof renovation can be done using Fiddler thatch roof tiles supplied by FIDDLER™ ROOFING PRODUCTS
Thatch Roof Renovation
Thatch roof renovations and thatch roof conversions are done using FIDDLER™ thatch tiles. Thatch roof replacement and thatch roof alternatives are possible using FIDDLER thatch tiles. The Fiddler thatch roof tile is perfect for tiling thatch roofs , transforming your old thatch roof into a modern thatched roof. You do not have to replace your thatched roof with a corrugated roof. Use lapa roof tiles to tile your thatch roof.
Fit the FIDDLER™ THATCH tile directly onto your thatch roof without removing the grass or remove the grass and fit foil insulation and the FIDDLER™ tile. The cost per square meter to convert a thatch roof to tiled roof performed by a FIDDLER installer is very reasonable.
Most frequent questions and answers
Yes it is possible to replace a thatch roof with tiles. You can fit Fiddler Thatch tiles directly onto your thatch roof without removing the grass or you can have all the thatch grass removed. If all the thatch is removed you should fit double sided foil insulation underneath the tile baton timbers before fitting the metal tiles.
Fiddler thatch roof tiles can be fitted directly onto thatch roofs, without removing the thatch grass.
This method of thatch roof renovation is less invasive and expensive. No need to move out the house or worrying about damage to the contents inside the house. See thatch roof renovation page.
The Fiddler thatch tiles and accessories can cost you around R212 per square meter. You must then still budget for the wood and other materials required. The labour component will be the final cost. You can budget for about R550 per square meter.
Fitting Fiddler thatch roof tiles on your thatched roof or lapa is a very good alternative for the following reasons:
- it is lite and can weigh less than 7kg per sqm
- it comes with a good warranty
- it is strong and durable
- it is visually appealing and restores your property's image
Investment vs Maintenance
- Fiddler thatch tiles increase the value of your property as it is seen as upgrading your property
- Fiddler thatch tiles require NO annual maintenance
- Your fire risk is drastically reduced since it is shielded from external elements

Convert a thatch roof to a tiled roof

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With Your
Thatch Roof Renovation Plans

Let’s discuss your thatch roof renovation plans
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Phone: 010 824 4225
060 450 3838 - Email: info@thatchregulations.co.za